تلفن تماس 22041891

تلفن تماس 22041891

ساعت کاری 24ساعت حتی تعطیلات

دسته: AI Chatbots

قالیشویی تهران > بلاگ > AI Chatbots

What is Machine Learning? Definition, Types, Applications

What is machine learning and types of machine learning Part-1 by chinmay das There are many fields of application for ANNs, because in real life there are many cases in which the functional form of the input/output relations is unknown, or does not exist, but we still want to approximate that function. Practical applications include […]

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Ecommerce Chatbot: 9 Best Chatbots for Ecommerce from Successful Brands

How to Use AI Bots in E-commerce to Boost Business Growth This relentless assistance caters to late-night browsers, early risers, and international shoppers alike, ensuring every query is met with an immediate response. Chatbots have changed how businesses in the eCommerce industry connect with their customers by providing instant, cost-effective, and highly customizable support. These […]

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